Steffie's Cool Blink-182 Fan Site
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Here's a chance for you to contribute.

If you have any thoughts about how I could make this site better, e-mail me. I also would like to know what you think about it.

On this page, I'll share some of the comments I've received in my Guestbook and via e-mail. In some cases, I may also respond to the comments. Please get in touch! Well it is hard to put comments so I just put a summary (below). Thanks everyone!

Well people have been really kind, saying plenty of nice things about my site. Some of them leave really weird comments and I totally respect that. So people keep on e-mailing me and leaving comments in the polls. Your support is greatly appreciated. YOU PEOPLE ARE THE GREATEST!!!! E-mail any time, and I will get back to you. Be sure to sign my guestbook too! Thanks again people!

September 3, 2001
Well lately alot of people have been saying that this website is one of the best they have seen. I am glad to hear this and will continue to keep it a good site, and maybe even add a few more things...ex. sound files, more pics,etc... Well people have been asking for more info about Travis and more pictures. I have more pictures but adding them is a long process. I will try to add a few more everyday, but some days there won't be polls or my questbook working. So have patience and your needs will be met...eventually. Again thanks for the tremendous support and advise. Thanks!